Economists see Fed action as likely, but with little benefit.
09/10/2012For the third time in less than four years, the Federal Reserve this week will likely move to inject...
White House not keen on financial-transaction tax
09/07/2012Dan Pfeiffer, President Obama’s communications director, indicated on Tuesday that the White House is unlikely to support the idea...
U.S. slips in global competitiveness rankings
09/07/2012The United States is losing ground when it comes to competing in the global economy, falling to seventh in...
How to succeed in a new business
09/07/2012If the current job market has you thinking about starting a business of your own, take some steps to...
Have you considered a SIMPLE plan for your business?
09/07/2012Many sole proprietors and small business owners agree on the following two issues: they pay too much in taxes...
Act soon to cut your 2012 taxes
09/07/2012Time is running out to make tax-saving moves for 2012. Here’s a sampling of ideas to consider. * Maximize...
Recordkeeping tips from the pros
09/07/2012If you want to give your tax recordkeeping skills a performance boost, do what accounting professionals do. 1. Maintain...
What income is nontaxable?
09/05/2012Generally, you are taxed on income that is available to you regardless of whether it is actually in your...
Deducting charitable contributions: 8 essentials
09/05/2012Donations made to qualified organizations may help reduce the amount of tax you pay. With that in mind, here...
Planning for the Tax Hike
09/04/2012Anyone who owns, develops, or invests in real estate should note that dramatic changes in the tax landscape are...